st. mickael house for vocations

St. Mickael House for Vocations is dedicated to youths reflecting on the priestly vocation and have not yet finished their schooling.

It allows its young people to complete their studies with a view to obtaining the Cambodian High School Diploma while having a community life and prayer, which involves common evening meal (shared with the youth of St. Francisco Center), morning and evening prayer. Everything framed by Father Damien Farhner, head of household.

Young people in this household, in addition to their academic studies in schools outside the parish, are active in various parish groups (Scouts, flower preparation…). They often serve Mass and participate in the animation of the Sunday Masses.

Once completed their education, if they decide to continue on this path, they will join the St. John Vianney Major Seminary also located in Phnom Penh, which forms the entire Cambodian priests for their theological studies.

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